Entries by TEDxKanata


TEDxKanata – The Burning Question

As March 26th approaches, and I continue to discuss our upcoming TEDx event with anyone who will listen.  The burning question I am repeatedly asked seems to be Why? Why are you doing this? Why do you want to bring TEDx to Kanata? The answer for me is quite simple.  Why not?  Why wouldn’t we […]


Roxanna’s Favourite TED talk

Talk: Shawn Achor TEDxBloomington – The happy secret to better work. Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work Why: When asked to write about my favourite TED talk, I thought this would be easy. I was wrong! I enjoy so many that I had a hard time narrowing it down to just one. After spending some time going through my […]

All I want for Valentines Day…Is to go to TEDxKanata

I recently read an article in the Globe and Mail that resonated with me. It was about how marrying your best friend results in greater happiness than those that don’t. Of course, the notion isn’t earth shattering, nor is it really surprising when you think about it. It just makes sense. But what truly is the key to […]


TEDxKanata – The Journey Begins

When I think of Kanata, I think of innovation. I think about all the incredible companies located here that are constantly creating, and innovating and pushing the limits of what is possible. There are many ideas worth sharing in the Kanata business community. For that very reason, bringing a TEDx event to Kanata seems like […]


Introducing Jason Flick

Jason Flick, President and Co-Founder of Flick Software and You.i TV, always knew he was destined to be an entrepreneur. Prior to venturing out on his own, he worked at five different companies where he was inspired and mentored by each organization’s leaders. Jason founded his first company, Flick Software, in 2000. Flick Software is […]


Introducing Mark Rigley

Mark is a seasoned leader of product teams, with experience in consumer electronics, automotive, and product design. His work has won international awards, including Best in Show in Automotive at CES 2012. He is a frequent presenter at technical and design conferences in Europe and North America. He is fascinated both by emerging technologies and […]


Introducing Sue Abu Hakima

Sue is Co-Founder/CEO of her second start-up Amika Mobile focused on situational awareness, communications and control in critical and emergency situations. Sue is a rare woman technology CEO who has a reputation for excellence and innovation. As a two-time founder/CEO and entrepreneur for 15 years, she has formed boards of directors and advisors. As CEO, […]


Introducing Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremy Hansen

As a young boy growing up on a farm in Southern Ontario, Jeremy Hansen turned his tree house into a spaceship. At the age of 12, he joined the Air Cadets and later became a CF-18 fighter pilot. A modern-day explorer, Jeremy has lived in underground caves, did geological training expeditions in the High Arctic […]


Introducing John Zelenski

John Zelenski is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada where he has lived and worked for the last 12 years. He completed psychology degrees at Northwestern University (B.A.), the University of Michigan (M.A.), and Washington University in St. Louis (Ph.D.). As a researcher and director of the Carleton University Happiness […]


Introducing Marco Pagani

Following upon a long, illustrious career as a senior executive in Ottawa’s high-tech sector, Marco Pagani became President & CEO of the Community Foundation of Ottawa in January 2014. A seasoned and respected leader in both the corporate and not-for-profit sectors, Marco Pagani began his career with Nortel Networks in 1985 (then Bell-Northern Research), progressively […]